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AdeptSuite is a powerful web-based software application and full electronic logbook designed to vastly simplify the task of controlling and managing asset testing regimes of many kinds.

In addition to the system itself, the services we offer include training, configuration support, asset mobilisation, sales support and user support.

We don't just throw a manual at you and leave you to it! We're there with you every step of the way...

System Overview

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Scalable & Industrial Strength

Hosted in a ‘state of the art’ highly-secure data centre, aquaAdept is fully scalable and totally reliable. Used on some of the largest and most complex estates, you can be totally confident that it can cope with whatever you throw at it.

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A Breeze To Use

Usability is our passion. The system serves you - not the other way around! A simple traffic light system is used to highlight problem areas and all data can easily be accessed via quick links. Our customers tell us the system is a ‘joy to use’.

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Contractors and FM Companies

aquaAdept will bring a level of control to your operation that cannot be achieved with spreadsheets and paper. aquaAdept can handle unlimited contracts and unlimited sites, allowing you to eliminate human error, and save time and money.

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Building Estate Owners

With aquaAdept you have complete data continuity and independence. You simply define your own estate and then let the work to service that estate to one or more concurrent contractors, who can work in the system independently of each other.

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Multiple Compliance Areas

adeptSuite helps manage other compliance areas such as Fire Safety, Gas Safety, Emergency Lighting, Electrical Testing, Lifts etc. Compliance areas are completely separated allowing different specialists to work concurrently and independently in the system.

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Peace of Mind

aquaAdept offers fully comprehensive and paper-free compliance with ACOP L8, HSG274, HSG282, & HTM04-01 - in both the letter and the sprit of the guidance. This means complete peace of mind for Responsible Persons and Duty Holders.

Full Asset Management in Complex Applications

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Comprehensive Asset Register

aquaAdept keeps an electronic register of every asset that needs recording or managing, along with all of the key data particular to that asset. It is very simple to browse the asset register and a simple traffic light system highlights assets needing further attention. Assets can be barcoded if necessary.

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Supports Process Water & Cooling Towers

aquaAdept can support the management of complex process water systems and cooling towers as it has the ability to set up rules to define the more complicated tests, checks and results required for the management of these systems to HSG274 Part 1.

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Fully Supports HTM 04-01

aquaAdept has the full capability to support the special needs of hospital & healthcare estates including the testing and analysis regimes for pseudomonas aeruginosa and other serious water-borne pathogens.

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Supports Shared Scope of Works

Increasingly important is the ability to share testing work between client & contractor staff. This emphasises the need for a transparent, shared system with clearly defined responsibilities & roles, a scenario fully covered by aquaAdept.

Intelligent Testing Rules

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Flexible Check Regime

aquaAdept allows you to define your own testing rules that apply to each type of asset. You simply define what needs testing, the frequency, and what determines conformance or non-conformance. Results can be multiple choice, numeric or various types of range bands. This system allows you to test any type of asset.

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Representative Asset Checks

aquaAdept is able to handle the testing of representative assets that need to be selected at random. You specify the percentages and frequencies and the system will ensure those assets are added to the corresponding jobs at random, without selecting the same asset twice in the given period.

Job & Task Scheduling

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Intelligent Dynamic Job Scheduling

aquaAdept helps you manage your mobile workforce in a much more efficient, dynamic way. When allocating work the system suggests the most appropriate person based on skills and location. Work can be allocated or amended quickly and easily.

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Mobile Or Site-Based Testers

aquaAdept supports the use of both mobile field engineers and site-based representatives who carry out tests and tasks at their own sites. You simply specify who is doing which tasks and the system will ensure the correct and timely allocation of work.

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Remedial Works Management

As well as regular scheduled tasks, you can manage planned or ad hoc repairs, remedial works, and call outs using aquaAdept which will enable you to detail and control the tasks required. In fact you can put any job into aquaAdept and allocate it to anyone you like.

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Site Based Tasks

In addition to tests and checks which have to be carried out on discrete assets, aquaAdept allows you to schedule and control general tasks such as staff training sessions, equipment calibration and other non-asset work so it doesn't get forgotten and is subject to a full audit trail.

Asset Testing

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Simple To Test Or Inspect Assets

aquaAdept makes it very easy to perform checks and tests on assets by presenting the person carrying out the tests with full and clear instructions of precisely what needs to be done. This is perfect for new engineers from outside the industry and for site-based testers who work for the building owner.

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PDA Or Paper

Personnel can use a range of PDAs and operating systems or simply use system generated PDF forms. aquaAdept only transmits information that is needed making very quick and easy to pull down jobs and submit results. The PDA software can intelligently guide the user to the assets that need testing.

Non-Conformance Handling

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Automatic Raising of Non-Conformances

Where the result of a test or inspection does not conform, or no test was done, aquaAdept will automatically raise a non-conformance record. These remain open until the relevant remedial action is taken, meaning non-conformances can never be over-looked.

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Configurable Non-Conformance Alert System

aquaAdept can automatically alert all relevant parties when high risk non-conformances occur. These alerts can be immediate or in a summary format at the end of the work. Non-conformances can be assigned to any relevant person, including back to the engineer on site to correct.

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Simple Remedial Action Scheduling

Where non-conformances require more than a simple fix, remedial action work can be recorded in the system and be allocated to the people competent to carry it out. Remedial actions can then be tracked in the system until the work is complete and associated non-conformance(s) corrected.

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Flexible Non-Conformance Management

aquaAdept operates on a management by exception basis, highlighting the urgent and important. It incorporates several ways of closing down non-conformances both in batches and individually. The key is to maintain data integrity by explanation, analysis, trending and appropriate remedial action.

Reporting & Data Analysis

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Comprehensive Reports Suite

aquaAdept offers a full suite of reports that allows management to measure and monitor performance according to a wide range of criteria and KPIs. Reports can be output in a variety of formats including PDF and Microsoft Excel for additional analysis and data handling.

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Multiple Levels Of System Access

aquaAdept allows a range of user permissions for both the contractor's and estate owner's staff to be able to login to the system and see only/all the locations, data and reports relevant to them. Individually- tailored Auto Alerts supplement this.

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Full Audit Trail

aquaAdept maintains a full record of every inspection, test, non-conformance, remedial action etc. across the entire estate, including date and time stamps and who carried out the work. You can be absolutely confident that you will be able to prove a proper management regime was being carried out.

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Simple To Browse Data

aquaAdept uses a simple traffic light system to highlight problem areas and allows the user to drill-down to further detail. This simple approach makes it incredibly easy to mine the data in aquaAdept to find problems and their causes.

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Data Trends

All results in aquaAdept can be viewed as a data trend, clearly demonstrating how assets have performed over time and thus highlighting where on-going problems may need to be addressed through the most appropriate action.

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System & Contract Dashboards

aquaAdept provides instant snapshots of the "health" of a water or other system through a range of key performance indicators. Hotlinks allow immediate access to "problem" data and there are also tools to assist workforce schedulers in their regular tasks.

We were both suitably impressed by your team's grasp of the ACOP L8 issues and how the system is set up to deal with these. Can you pass on our thanks to everyone for their time and attention?

Operations Manager
NHS Trust